A butcher is like a cobbler, and it was said like a shoe . And the selling of birds is the slave-girl, the slave-girl, the private-slave girl, the maid of the slave-girl, and the suffragette, also the slave-girl, because the kin is a foreign woman ….

And whoever sees as if he is feeding a poor person, he will get rid of his worries and be safe if he is afraid

The elevation of the Majlis of Sultan, the height of his command . And the humility of his council, the corruption of his order . If the king saw as if some of his servants fed him without seeing a table, he did not dispute his possession and he would have a long life, and he would have a good life if he had fatty food ….

…And if he sees as if he is feeding him to people, then he recites the Qur’an among people in a good tone ….

If he sees it as if he has picked up the fruits of Paradise and fed them to someone else, then he will benefit others with knowledge that he can work with and benefit, and neither he nor he use it ….

If he feeds an unbeliever, he strengthens the enemy, and the interpretation of the poor is the one being tested

Almighty in a dream told Abu al – Qasim, Hussein bin Harun, Acre, said : Tell us Abu Yaqub Ishaq bin Ibrahim Ouzai, said : Tell me Abdul Rahman bin Wasel Abu Zarah Alhadhara, said : Tell us Abu Abdullah Altistri, said : I saw in a dream , as if the Resurrection I got up and got up from my grave, and I came with a teddy bear and rode it, then he ascended to the sky, and there was a paradise in it, and I wanted to go down, and I was told that this is not your place, so he ascended me to a sky, in every sky there is a paradise, until I became higher on two elevations, and I descended, Then I wanted to sit, and I was told : Do you sit before you see your Lord, the Exalted, the Majestic? I said : No, then I got up and they walked with me, so behold, by God the Blessed and Almighty, Adam, peace be upon him, before him, peace be upon him, and when Adam saw me, he sat me with his right, sitting for help, and I said, O Lord, let the Sheikh pardon you, so I heard God Almighty say : Arise, Adam, have forgiven us for you . Bu Ali al-Hasan bin Muhammad al-Zubairi told us, he said Muhammad ibn al-Musayyib told us, he said Abdullah bin Hanif told us, he said Bishr bin al-Harath’s nephew told me, he said : A man came to me and said: Are you Bishr bin al-Harath? I said : Yes, she said, I saw the Lord Almighty in a dream saying : You come as a human, then say to him: If I prostrated to me on hot coals, I would not have given my thanks when I would have shown your name to people . Ahmed bin Abi Imran al-Sufi told us of Mecca, which God Almighty guarded. He said Abu Bakr al-Tarsusi told me, he said : Uthman al-Ahwal, a student of Kharaz, said to me Abu Saeed, and when the third of the night had passed, he shouted at me, Uthman, get up, so I got up and I was burned . He said to me : Woe to you, I saw the hour as if I was in the hereafter, and the Resurrection had risen, and I stood before my Lord, and I was thundering, and there was no hair left except that it had died, so he said: You are the one who refers to me in hearing to Salma and Buthaina, had I not known that you are truthful in that, I would have tormented you I am not tormented by anyone of the worlds ….

…Q : What about nightmares , or what about Jathoom? How can they get rid of them , and what do those who are afflicted with something of this do? The nightmare and some call it Bama : Jathoom . It is a kind of nagging dreams Ka grew something perched on the chest of the dreamer and narrow himself . It was said in his interpretation : that desire unwanted out of the dream in the form of creatures Haihh weigh on the dreamer and disturbed sleep . . . The nightmare is : the dream of bearing anxiety and fear experience , followed by a detailed retrieval severe dream of the content of these dreams experienced by the individual in his sleep , and include a threat to his life or his sense of security and self – respect . The nightmare causes severe inconvenience to the person and it usually increases with psychological pressure or physical stress . Speaking spells Elka Boss usually during periods of sleep accompanied by rapid eye movement can occur at any time . Increases near the end of sleep plus the presence of activity in the autonomic nervous system , and rarely observe body movements during the seizure . Upon waking up from the nightmare quickly becomes a person guided and vigilant and can give details of the dream , whether or when you wake up in the morning , may find it difficult to go back to sleep . We say : It ‘s a problem when the frequency of their occurrence in times close . ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…What is the treatment for insomnia? Insomnia is not sleeping at night . It has spread and worsened, especially in this modern era, and it is not more beneficial or more effective than the purified prophetic prescriptions for treating this disease, and after we entered the vast field of the year I brought you the following medicines, so eat them, drink, and feed the miserable poor . Al-Tirmidhi narrated in his Sunnah that Buraidah said : Khaled complained to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said : O Messenger of God ! I never sleep at night from insomnia, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : If I go to your bed, say : O God, Lord of the seven heavens and what I have remained, and Lord of the two earths and what I have lowered, and the Lord of the demons and what I have remained, be to me a neighbor from the evil of your creation all of them that one of them should abandon me. Or he desires me, the glory of your neighbor, the glory of your praise, and there is no god but you . Al-Tirmidhi said : This is a hadith whose chain of transmission is not strong . However, this hadith is supported by what he was teaching them of fear : I seek refuge in the perfect words of God from His anger and punishment, the evil of His servants, and the whims of demons, and I seek refuge in You, Lord, to attend . And it was also mentioned in a narration by Ibn al-Sunni, that Zaid bin Thabit, may God be pleased with him, complained about insomnia to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and said to him : Say : O God, the stars are deceived, and the eyes have calmed down, and you are alive and live, do not sleep. O neighborhood, O Qayyum, calm down. Night, and sleep my eyes . He said it, so I go to God Almighty to do what he found . Abdullah bin Amr ibn al-Aas, may God be pleased with him, used to teach them from the mind of his sons, and whoever did not understand his books, then commented on it, and it is not apparent the relevance of this excuse to treat this disease . See : Zad al- Ma`ad by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah : 4/212….

…Does it count to see someone who slept for a very short time, such as a person who sleeps a short sleep during the day, or puts his hand on the desk, during work, for example, and then falls asleep for a very short nap, and some may even relax at the traffic lights and close their eyes, and see this moment as a sleep Or a vision, are these visions reliable, and do they express ….. ? This is a question frequently asked by those interested in this art, and my answer to it is that visions in such cases are reliable and expressive, and they may even be truer than the visions that are seen with a long, drawn-out sleep . So you find scientists who are interested in this art prefer visions of witchcraft, or naps; It is a midday sleep, unlike others . Some have inferred their words with the hadith of Abu Sa`id [the most truthful of the revelation by the sorcerers ], which was provided by Ahmad with a marfoo ‘and authenticated by Ibn Hibban . In Al-Fath, Ibn Hajar called the chapter on the night vision, and he said, explaining it : That is, a person’s vision at night, does his visions in the day equal or differ, and are there differences between the times of each? It was mentioned that Nasr bin Yaqoub al-Dinouri said : The interpretation of the vision at the beginning of the night slows down its interpretation, and from the second half it speeds up with the varying parts of the night, and that the fastest interpretation of the visions of magic, especially when dawn breaks . On the authority of Jaafar al-Sadiq : That the fastest interpretation of the vision of the siesta is . And if all of this is in preference to the vision of the day over the vision of the night, then we find some say that there is equal between them, and that there is no difference between them, and from what came from what was narrated about this is what came in Sahih al-Bukhari, on the authority of Ibn Sirin who said : The vision of the day is like the vision of the night . Al-Qayrawani said, explaining to her : That is, there is no difference in the ruling of the phrase between night and day visions, as well as the vision of women and men….

…He is in a dream a good life, so whoever sees him in his home is happiness, wealth, a collection, a spoil, and marriage, because God Almighty says : ( He is the one who created from water a human being, and made him a lineage and a bond ). And whoever sees that the water is clear and abundant, the price will be cheap and the fairness will be spread . And chewing water indicates severe hardship in living, and drinking from it safety from the enemy, and fertile year for his drinker . And if he drank more water in sleep than he used to drink in wakefulness, it indicates longevity . And Ibn Sirin, may God Almighty have mercy on him, said : Water while sleeping is a trial in religion, because God Almighty says : ( Water in the dark, let us entangle them in it ). And it is a calamity, because God Almighty says : ( Indeed, God afflicts you with a river, and whoever drinks from it is not from me, and whoever does not feed him is from me, except for the one who scours a room with his hand ). And whoever saw that he was given water in a mug, that was a child’s evidence . And whoever sees that he drinks in a cup of clear water, he will receive good from his son and his wife, and that the glass is the essence of women, and water is fetus . And whoever saw that he was drinking hot water, he would become very sad . And whoever sees that he is in water, then he is affliction, affliction and distress . And whoever sees that he has a clear water cache, then he is inherited money . And whoever sees that he draws water, he is seeking lying among people . Stagnant water will lock up . Stinky water is a tired life . Hot water if used in the day is a punishment and punishment, and if it is used at night it is a fear of the jinn . Salt water is a toil in living . Chagrin water is forbidden money . Black water ruined . Yellow water is a disease . And whoever sees that he is drinking sea water, they will get sick from the king . It was said : Water chaos is an unfair Sultan . And whoever is bathed in cloudy water and is in distress, he will get rid of it, even if it is . He is sick, healed by God Almighty, and if he is imprisoned, he will survive . The salt water is cloudy . He felt that he walks above the water, that the power of faith and certainty in God, and it was said : he travels or risk . And whoever falls into deep water, then he falls into a world, and is financed by it, and that the world is a deep sea, and it was said : he will gain pleasure and grace . And whoever sees that he looks at clear water and sees his face fine in it, then it is good for his family and neighbors . And whoever saw that he poured water into the sea, he would spend on a woman . And the overriding water are torment and sedition . And whoever sees that the water has increased in a town and exceeded the limit, then there will be great sedition and disagreement, and the wicked perish . And fresh water is permissible livelihood, good heart, knowledge and life for those who are close to death, because God Almighty says : ( We made from water every living thing ). And perhaps the water indicated the wife to the single, and the husband to the bachelorette, and perhaps drinking water indicated the drink of the poor . And whoever becomes salty fresh water abandons his religion or becomes difficult for its affairs . If he carried water in a container, his wife carried . The increase in water in the time of its shortage, or the lack of it in the time of its increase, is evidence of injustice and price tag . And the explosion of water in place of them and grief . And green water is a long disease . And from drinking black water, his sight went away . And whoever sees that he was spilled with hot water, he will be imprisoned, sick, or severely ill or terrified by the jinn . And whoever sees that his clothes are wet with water, then he resides on a journey or is imprisoned for something that he is concerned about . And whoever sees that he carries water in a bundle or a garment, or that it is not possible to carry water in it, then he is arrogant about his money, his condition, or his life . And whoever sees that he was given water in a cup, and he had a pregnant woman, and the cup broke, then the woman would die, and if the water was gone and the cup did not break, then the child would die and the woman would be delivered . Ablution with cold water is repentance, a cure for sickness, a release from imprisonment and the elimination of debt and security from fear . And whoever draws water from a well gets money by trick and deceit ….

…The unknown bird is an indication of the angel of death, if it picks up a pebble, a leaf, a worm, or the like and flies with it to the sky from a house where a sick person and the like died . He may refer to the traveler who saw him fall on him, and he may refer to the work of the one who saw him on his head, on his shoulder, on his lap or on his neck, for the Almighty says : “ And every person has bound his bird in his neck, ” meaning his work, and if it is white then it is pure, and if it is colored darkness then it is work various non – net, only to have a pregnant woman, the bird was a male boy it, though female is a girl, the story has lived and stayed with him, and he flew was little to stay . As for the chick that does not feed itself, it spawns on the one who carries it, finds it, or takes it, unless it has a lamb, so it is a child, and so is every little animal of the animal . As for the largest bird and its sevenths . It is a sign of kings, presidents, people of wealth, scholars, people of wealth and wealth, and as for carrion eaters such as the crow, eagle, honeydew and marmot, then they are immoral, thieves or evil owners, and as for the water birds, they are supervised, they have attained the leadership in two ways, and they acted between two powers : the authority of water and the power of the air, and perhaps it indicated men Travel on land and sea . And if they sounded they were moaning and weeping, and as for what the birds sing or mourned, they were singing and noah, male or female . As for the smallest birds, such as sparrows, grouse, and nightingales, they are young boys : and the group of birds is the one who owns it or has money, dinars, and authority on it, especially if he cares for it, feeds it, or assigns it ….

…And whoever sees a man who reveals himself to him and sees his helplessness, he will feed him with fat and benefit, then he will supervise the well-being there ….

…Religion is a humiliation and insult in a dream . And whoever sees it as if he has fulfilled a debt, or has performed a right, then he will reach the womb, or feed a poor person, and something difficult in the world or religion matters will be easy for him . And it was said : The fulfillment of the right is a reversal of travel . And whoever sees that he is bound by a religion in a dream while he acknowledges it and does not know it while awake, then this is the consequences of the sins that surrounded him, and the acts of disobedience that he met and are punished in this world ….

…Abu Sa’eed said the preacher ‘s vision thirst devolve on the occurrence of an imbalance in religion and if thirsty and wanted to drink from the river did not drink it , it comes out of the sorrow of the verse ~ It did not feed it to me ~ and the irrigation it is better and grace unless it gets him Popping for one member ….

…** The vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, of the invaders of the sea .. One of the vision that has been fulfilled is the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, of the sea invaders who invaded Cyprus at the time of Uthman – may God be pleased with him – and those who invaded the Romans at the time of Mu’awiyah – may God be pleased with him -. On the authority of Ishaq bin Abdullah bin Abi Talha on the authority of Anas bin Malik – may God be pleased with him – he said : When the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, went to Quba, he would enter Umm Haram bint Melhan and feed him, and Umm Haram was under the worship of Ibn al-Samit, so the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers, entered her. One day, she fed him and sat with his head, and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, slept and then woke up laughing . She said : So I said : What makes you laugh, Messenger of God? He said : ( People from my nation offered to his conquerors for the sake of God riding on the thrust of this sea kings on the family or he said : Like kings on the family ) Isaac doubted, so I said : O Messenger of God, pray to God to make me one of them, he called for her, then put his head down and he slept, then I woke up laughing, and I said : What make you laugh O Messenger of God? He said : ( People from my nation offered me raiders for the sake of God as kings over the family or like kings over the family. ) As he said in the first, she said : I said : O Messenger of God, pray to God to make me among them. He said : ( You are one of the first ) He said : I rode the sea at the time of Mu’awiyah She fell off her bike when she came out of the sea and perished . Benefit :::: Umm Haram bint Milhan is the sister of Umm Salim and she is the aunt of Anas bin Malik . Al-Bukhari translated this hadith by saying : ( Chapter of the vision of the day ) He said : Ibn Aoun said on the authority of Ibn Sirin : The vision of the day is like the vision of the night. Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar mentioned on the authority of Ali Ibn Abi Talib al-Qayrawani that he said : There is no difference in the ruling of the phrase between the vision of the day and the night and the vision of women and men . And on the authority of Zaid bin Aslam, on the authority of Ataa bin Yasar, that a woman who spoke to him said : The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, fell asleep, and then I woke up laughing and said : Do you laugh at me O Messenger of God? He said : ( No, but from some of my nation who bring out raiders in the sea like kings on the family. ) She said : Then he fell asleep and then woke up laughing so I said : O Messenger of God, do you laugh at me? He said : “ No, but from people of my nation who bring out invaders in the sea, and they return a few whose spoils are forgiven. ” I said : I pray to God to make me from them, so he called for her. He said : Ata bin Yassar told me, he said : I saw her among the invaders that al-Mundhir ibn al-Zubayr invaded to the land of Rum, and she was with us, and she died on a land Rum ….

…Hell : a sign of authority for its essence and authority over what is below it, with its harm and benefit, and perhaps it indicates Hell itself, and the punishment of God, and it may indicate sins, sins and forbidden, and everything that leads to it and brings it closer to it . From saying or doing . Perhaps it indicated guidance, Islam, knowledge and the Qur’an, because with it it is guided in the darkness, along with the words of Moses , peace be upon him : “ Or find guidance on fire, ” and he found and heard the words of God Almighty with guidance . Perhaps it indicates livelihood, benefits and wealth, because it contains goodness in the pension for the traveler and the present, as God Almighty said: “ We have made it a reminder and a pleasure for the faithful .” It is said to him who is poor or dies, his fire is extinguished . Because the Arabs were offered as gifts to Ibn al-Sabil and the discontinued guest, in order for her to be guided and sheltered to her, so that they would express with her presence generosity and wealth, and her inaction from miserliness and poverty . Perhaps it indicated the jinn because they were created from poisonous fire . And it may indicate the sword and sedition, if it has a sound, thunder, tongues, and smoke . Perhaps it indicated the torment of the authority, because it is the torment of God and he is the authority of the two worlds . Perhaps it indicated the barrenness and locusts . And it may indicate diseases, smallpox and plague . Whoever sees a fire falling from the sky in houses and shops, and if it has tongues and smoke, then it is sedition and a sword that dwells in that place, especially if it is in the homes of the rich and the poor, and a lover throws it on the people, especially if it is in the homes of the rich in particular, and if it is coals without tongues They are diseases, smallpox or epidemics, especially if they are general in mixing people . But if the going down of fire is in the dunes and feddans and places of cultivation and plants, then it is a barrenness that burns plants or locusts that burn and catch them . As for whoever kindles a fire on a path that is walking, or for people to be guided by it if he finds it when he needs it, then it is knowledge and guidance that he attains, or he broadcasts it and publishes it if he is worthy of that, otherwise he will gain authority, companionship and benefit, and the people benefit with him . If the fire is on a road other than the way, or it burns someone who passes by it or sparks it or harms him with its smoke, or it burns his garment or his body or harms his eyesight, then it is a heresy that he makes or oversees, or an unjust authority who takes refuge in him or is injustice to him according to the extent of his service to it or his escape Of them . But if it was a great fire that did not resemble the fire of this world, it was kindled for him to be thrown into it, then many of his enemies wanted to plague him, so he would gain victory over them and be superior to them, and if they threw him into it, he would have saved Ibrahim, peace be upon him . And all of that if those who committed it were his enemies, or the object in him was a righteous man . But if he sees her threatening him in particular, or those who took over the lighting of it are dating him, let God fear his Lord and take away from what he is from the deeds of the people of Hell before he comes to her, then he rebuked her because he feared her . As for the one who sees fire with him in a furnace, oven, canon, or the like of the places in which he is burnt, then it is riches and benefits that he attains, especially if his livelihood is for the sake of fire, especially if that is also in winter . And if he sees his fire extinguished or extinguished, or turned into ashes, or water or rain extinguished it, then he will lack and be suspended from his work and industry . And if someone who does not live on from it in such places to fit in with food, he would like money or livelihood to serve a ruler or to his authority and aid, or by litigation, stewardship, strife and brokerage, otherwise he will be attacked by words and evil and bad words . As for whoever sees it, it is burned with food, oil, or anything from sales, then he is exaggerating, and perhaps the Sultan will ask for him and the people will take his money with him . As for the death of eating fire, it is forbidden money and a pernicious livelihood that he eats, and perhaps it is from the money of orphans, because of what is in the Qur’an. If he saw fire speaking in a jar or a bag or a bowl of other vessels indicating both males and females, then what is attributed to that vessel will hit the jinn and its entrances , Until he speaks on his tongue . Some of them said : Fire is war if it has a flame and a sound, and if the place where you see it is not a land of war, then it is a plague, pain, smallpox, or death that occurs there . Abu Amr Al-Nakha’i said to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : I saw a fire that came out from the earth and turned between me and a son of mine, and I saw it saying : A flame of sight and a blind one, feed me that all of you eat your family and your money, so he said, peace be upon him : This is a trial that will happen at the end of time, killing people In front of them, then they quarrel with dishes and quarrel between his fingers, and the offender thinks that he is a philanthropist, and the blood of the believers is better for the believers than drinking water . And whoever blazes a fire in order to burn it, he rages an order to fill his poverty, because the cold is poverty . Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw a lamp on his thumb and said : This is a blind man led by some of his son . If I stir it up to roast meat with it, I enlighten something in which people are backbiting . If I hit the barbecue, I would have a little livelihood with sadness . If he stirred it up to cook a pot with food in it, he raised something that would benefit from the value of his home . If there is no food in the pot, then he should attack a man with words and make him do something unpleasant . Whatever hits the fire and burns from the body or clothing, it is harm and calamities . And whoever catches fire will hit forbidden money from Sultan . And whoever is hit by the glow of fire, people will backbite him ….

…Urging a person to urge others to act, and urging an animal to walk in a dream is evidence of acceptance of the exhortation . Perhaps this indicated the death and its causes . A person exhorting others to feed or do good in a dream is evidence of the repentance of the adulterer ….

…And whoever sees our Prophet Muhammad and was distressed, he will be released, or a prisoner is released from his prison, and if he is in high prices then he will be released, even if he was wronged, victory, or he is afraid of security . And his vision is a glad tidings for the seeker of the good outcome in his religion and world . If he sees him coming to him, or entrusting him with him in his prayer, feed him something good or dress him in a decent manner, and if he is a scholar who has done what he knows, and if he is a worshiper who has reached the homes of the people of dignity, and if he is a sinner he repents, and if he is an unbeliever, he is guided, because God Almighty says : ( So believe in God and His Messenger. The illiterate Prophet ). The vision of the Prophet indicates showing arguments, truthfulness of the article and fulfilling the promise, and perhaps enmity, envy and hatred occurred from his family and relatives, and perhaps his family parted and moved from his homeland to others, and perhaps the orphan from his parents caught him . His vision may indicate the display of dignities, because the fawn greeted him, and the camel kissed his feet, and he took him to the sky, and the arm spoke to him, and the trees walked to him . If the seer was one of the kohlins who treat the eyes, he reached a great amount in his making, because, upon him be peace, the response of Qatada’s eye . And if people are exhausted with thirst, this indicates the descent of rain because God bless him and grant him peace the spring of water between his fingers . And if a woman saw him who had attained great rank, good fame, chastity and honesty, and perhaps she was afflicted with calamities and gave birth to good offspring, even if she had money she spent in obeying God Almighty . To see him peace be upon him indicates patience to harm . Perhaps his vision indicated the victory of the believers and the destruction of the unbelievers, and if a debtor saw him, his debt was spent, and if he saw him a patient was cured by God Almighty. He tends to heresy, and if he visited his grave, he hit a great deal of money, and if he saw that he was the son of the Messenger, peace be upon him, he indicated that his faith was cleared and certainty . And whoever saw that he was transformed in his image, peace be upon him, and was a student of the king, he obtained him and the land was attached to him, and if he was in the humiliation of God Almighty, and if he sought knowledge, he obtained it, and if he was poor, or celibate, he married, or was in a place where he was beaten, then he lives with his blessing and whoever saw him, peace be upon him Call out in a place many fertile and his men . If she sees him pregnant or her husband sees him, the truth is words . And whoever sees him well is an increase in the religion of the seeker, and whoever sees his black beard will gain pleasure and fertility . And if he sees his neck thickened, then Imam Hafez is for the trust of the Muslims, and whoever sees him, peace be upon him, in a military camp with weapons on him while laughing, then the Muslim army shall be defeated . If he sees that he, peace be upon him, combing his head and beard, he indicates that they are gone . And whoever sees him make a brotherhood among the Companions, he will receive knowledge and jurisprudence . And whoever saw his grave, peace be upon him, and he was a merchant, who had profit in his trade . If he sees that he is the father of the Prophet on peace, then his religion is corrupted and his certainty weakened . If he sees one of the wives of the Prophet, peace be upon him, who is his mother, his faith increases . If he sees that he is walking after the Prophet, peace be upon him, then he follows the Sunnah . And whoever sees that he eats alone, the seeker forbids the liquid and does not give alms . And if he sees the Prophet, peace be upon him, without a shoe, then he neglects the prayer with the congregation, and whoever sees him wearing his invisibility, he commands him to strive for the sake of God Almighty . And whoever sees his blood mixed with the blood of the Prophet, peace be upon him, he will intermarriage with honor . If the Prophet gave him something that is desirable, such as wet and honey, then he would memorize the Qur’an and gain knowledge as much as he gave it . And whoever sees the Prophet, peace be upon him, in the image of a tall young man, there will be strife and murder among people. If he sees him while he is an old sheikh, then the people are healthy, and if he sees him as white, then he repents to God Almighty and improves his deeds . And whoever sees him admonishing him or arguing with him, this is a heresy that he has brought about in religion ….

…A river is in a dream a great man . And whoever enters it is a mixture of one of the most senior people . And he does not praise drinking from the river because the Almighty said : (He said : God afflicts you with a river, so whoever drinks from it is not from me, and whoever does not feed him is from me, except for the one who swallows a room with his hand, and they drank from it except a little of them ). And whoever sees that he leaps from a river to the other side, he will be saved from suffering and distress and be victorious over his enemy . And it was said : The river indicates travel . And if the water runs in the market and people perform ablution and benefit from its water, then that is fairness from the Sultan in his flock, and if it runs over the roofs and goes down to the rounds, then this is an injustice of the Sultan or an enemy who overcomes the people . And whoever saw a river that came out of his house and did not harm anyone, that is a well-known one he gives to people . And whoever saw that he had become a river died . And whoever struck him as a mud from a river, he was struck by a man who was afraid . And if he drinks from his water when it is clear, he will be blessed with a good life . And whoever sees that he leaps from the river to the Shattah, then he will be saved from the evil of the Sultan and will win victory over the enemies . If he sees a river flowing from his house and people drink from it, if he is rich, that indicates good and benefits for the people of the country, and many people will come to his house who need it . And the river in a dream is a good work or continuous livelihood . And the chagrin river is evidence of hell . And the river is a trial, and the disobedient might have disobedience, coldness, coldness and peace, and increase the livelihood, and the Tigris is very serious . And whoever sees that he is walking on water in a river, it indicates his good faith and the validity of his certainty . See also Sakia ….

…Whoever sees him in a dream indicates to the child that he will have compassion on him from the fire of this world and the hereafter . And it shows the professor to discipline him with his etiquette . And a disciplined person as he knows from the Book of God Almighty . The vision of the prophets and messengers, peace be upon them, indicates warning and good news . If you trust them in prayer, or follow them on the road, feed him food, give him something fragrant or delicious, teach him a science, or tell him well, that is evidence of his good following of them or keeping their Sunnah and vice versa . Their vision of the kings and scholars indicates the rulers of affairs, such as rulers, preachers, imams, who are considered to be considered or educated, because they are those who call to God Almighty . And whoever claims prophethood in a dream appears from him a news of his destiny . If in a dream he becomes a messenger or a caller to God Almighty, if someone answers him and accepts his claim from him, he will gain a high status, otherwise he becomes a broker or a muezzin . And whoever saw a prophet from among the prophets, peace be upon them, and they were in a victorious war or in the distress of God’s relief for them . And whoever sees himself as a prophet will die a martyr and have patience . And whoever sees that he does some of the prophets’ acts of worship and righteousness, then this is evidence of the validity of his religion . And whoever sees that he has become a prophet, he enjoins good and forbids evil, and adversity befalls him, and then he is saved by the kindness of God Almighty . And whoever sees that he killed a prophet indicates that he is betraying faithfulness and breaking the covenant . And whoever sees a prophet beating him, he will inform him of something that delayed him if he was an honorable man . And whoever saw that the prophets spoke to him and the words were good, he would gain benefit, honor, honor and mention among the people . Visiting the Prophet in a dream indicates endearment to God Almighty for righteous deeds, and indicates security from fear, high status, and courtship with scholars, and perhaps indicates knowledge and rationality ….

…Surat Al-Balad whoever reads it indicates the owner of alms . And al-Kirmani said: It improves to whomever he is referring to, and it was said that there is security after fear and escape after despair . And Jaafar al-Sadiq said Tawfiq to feed the food and honor the poor ….

…Hay : little and much money, however you act in it, because it is animal feed, and it comes out of food and is a partner of dirt ….

…Surat Al-Ma’idah whoever reads it or recites it to him, as Nafi ‘and Ibn Katheer said, will be generous, loving to feed food . And it was said : Rather, he blesses certainty, worship and reverence . And it was said : He raises his position, strengthens his certainty, improves his piety, and God Almighty answers his supplications, gets luck and is given a reward according to the number of Jews and Christians, and he wears out a dry people, and he receives blessing and sustenance ….

…To hospitality : a meeting of good, so whoever sees as if he is inviting a people to his hospitality, then he enters into a matter that is inherited by remorse and blame, based on the story of Solomon, peace be upon him, when he asked his Lord the Almighty to feed his creation one day, and he could not complete it . If he saw as if he invited a people to his hospitality of food until they were satisfied, then he presides over them . It was said that taking hospitality indicates the arrival of an absentee . If he saw as if he was invited to an unknown place where there is a lot of fruit and drink . He is called to jihad, and he is martyred, because God Almighty says : “In it they pray a lot of fruits and drink .”…